- John Handley High School
- Spanish II Syllabus
Espinoza, Ruth
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Spanish II Syllabus Course No. H7012EY
Updated Fall 2024
Instructor Information
Email / Phone
Office Location & Hours
Ruth Espinoza
540.662.3471 XT 45241
Mon & Tue 3:20-4:15 pm
General Information
Prerequisite: Spanish I or Spanish for Heritage Speakers I
In this course, students will advance in their language acquisition process through consistent and constant exposure to the Spanish language with the use of high frequency Spanish vocabulary. This course continues to explore language and culture simultaneously in order to increase cultural awareness and develop global citizenship.
***The full standards can be found hereLinks to an external site..
Goals and Expectations
Students will be assessed throughout the semester with reading comprehension activities, writings, speaking activities, and listening activities. Each unit will culminate in an Integrated Performance Assessment. Students should work toward the goal of Spanish fluency. Students will be expected to participate in class and complete all required work in order to practice and polish their skills.
Classroom Rules and Procedures
- School wide PBIS student behavior expectations:
- Respect Time and Place
- Leave It Better Than You Found It
- Be Present
- Be the Good
- Classroom specific Student behavior expectations:
- Students respect themselves, others, and school property at all times.
- Students will come to class on time and with all the necessary class materials.
- Cellular phones will be placed in storage pockets during class.
- Only Spanish work will be completed in Spanish class. Do not work on assignments from other classes.
- Ask permission from the teacher to leave the room.
- Students will try their best to be positive and persistent learners.
- Students will always be truthful and honest.
- Remember that mistakes mean you are learning!
*The expectations to earn Pride Points will be decided as a class during the first week of school*
Course Materials
Required Materials
Students will be expected to bring the following materials to class everyday:
- Chromebook and charger
- Paper and writing utensils
In class we will use the Entre Culturas 2 text.
Grades are based on a student’s mastery of the course objectives by the end of the grade reporting period. The World Languages Department uses a weighted system (details can be found hereLinks to an external site.). Summative assessments are worth 70% of the grade while formative assessments and other class work is worth 30% of the final grade. Powerschool and canvas will display the same grades, but PowerSchool is our official reporting grade book.
Numeric Value
Letter Grade
Quality Points
90 – 100
80 – 89
70 – 79
60 – 69
59 and below
Cheating and plagiarizing will not be tolerated. Any cases of cheating will result in a zero. In addition, the cheating parties will be required to re-do the work. The potential to earn points will depend on the circumstances.
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Using an online translator is considered cheating. Not only is it cheating, but it will most likely provide you with an incorrect translation. They are not as smart as people. Instead, use a trusted website such as WordReference Links to an external site.for a dictionary.
Late Work
Students will have two weeks after an assignment due date to make up the missing assignment for a 10% penalty. After two weeks, a zero will be assigned and students will have until the end of the grading period to receive a maximum grade of 60% on the assignment.
In this class assessments will be in the form of Integrated Performance Assessments (IPA). An IPA is a cluster assessment featuring three tasks, each of which reflects one of the three modes of communication--Interpretive, Interpersonal and Presentational. The three tasks are aligned within a single theme or content area, reflecting the manner in which students naturally acquire and use the language in the real world or the classroom.
Course Planner
Through the study of the following topics, students build the necessary skills to reach the assessment objectives through the expansion of their receptive, productive, and interactive skills.
Please note that the suggested pacing listed may vary due to the needs of the class.
Year-Long Curriculum Map 2024-2025
Virginia Focus Standards for Spanish II
Unit 1
Unit 2
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Unit 6
De vuelta a clases
La cultura de una familia
Un mundo hecho por comunidades
En la cocina de mi abuela
La vida social
Un viaje al extranjero
3 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks
3 weeks
1.NH, 2.NH, 3.NH, 4.NH, 5.NH, 6.NH, 7.NH, 9.NH, 10.NH, 11.NH, 12.NH, 13.NH, 14.1.NH, 14.3.NH, 24.4.NH, 15.3.NH, 15.4.NH, 15.5.NH, 16.1.NH, 16.2.NH, 16.3.NH, 16.4.NH, 16.5.NH
1.IL, 2.NH, 2.IL, 3.NH, 4.NH, 5.NH, 7.NH, 9.NH, 11.NH, 12.NH, 13.NH, 14.1.NH, 14.2.NH, 15.1.NH, 15.2.NH, 15.3.NH, 15.5.NH, 16.1.NH, 16.2.NH, 16.3.NH, 16.4.NH, 16.4.IL
1.IL, 2.IL, 3.NH, 4.NH, 5.NH, 7.NH, 9.IL, 10.NH, 11.NH, 11.IL, 12.IL, 14.1.NH, 14.2.NH, 14.3.NH, 14.4.NH, 14.5.NH, 15.1.NH, 15.2.NH, 15.3.NH, 15.4.NH, 15.5.NH, 15.5.IL, 16.1.NH, 16.2.NH, 16.3.NH, 16.3.IL, 16.5.NH
1.IL, 3.IL, 4.IL, 5.NH, 5.IL, 6.IL, 7.NH, 7.IL, 10.IL, 11.IL, 12.IL, 13.NH, 13.IL, 14.1.IL, 14.2.NH, 14.5.IL, 15.1.IL, 15.2.IL, 15.3.IL, 15.4.IL, 16.1.IL, 16.2.IL, 16.3.NH, 16.3.IL, 16.5.NH, 16.5.IL
1.IL, 3.IL, 4.IL, 5.IL, 6.IL, 7.IL, 9.IL, 10.IL, 11.IL, 12.IL, 13.IL, 14.1.IL, 14.2.IL, 14.3.IL, 14.4.IL, 14.5.IL, 15.1.IL, 15.2.IL, 15.3.IL, 15.4.IL, 15.5.IL, 16.1.IL, 16.2.IL, 16.3.IL, 16.4.IL, 16.5.IL
1.IL, 3.IL, 4.IL, 5.IL, 6.IL, 7.IL, 9.IL, 10.IL, 11.IL, 13.IL, 14.1.IL, 14.2.IL, 14.3.IL, 14.4.IL, 14.5.IL, 15.2.IL, 15.3.IL, 15.5.IL, 16.1.IL, 16.2.IL, 16.3.IL, 16.4.IL, 16.5.IL
IPA - Una escuela ideal
IPA - Mi familia del futuro
IPA - El mundo de un voluntario
IPA - Remedios caseros durante una visita
IPA - Una aventura en Perú
IPA - Como ser un viajero y no un turista
John Handley High School
Learning for all, whatever it takes
- School wide PBIS student behavior expectations: