Student Support Services

  • student support services image


    CAO Location:
    Jennifer Buckley - Director of Student Services
    Silvia Restivo - Coordinator of Student Services
    Rachel Levi - WISH Grand Specialist

    JHHS Location:
    Kristen Snyder - School Social Worker
    Leslie Stewart - School Social Worker
    Sarah Wingfield - School Social Worker
    Carmen Disney - Family Liason
    Mary Reese - School Nurse
    JHHS School Counselors

  • The Student Support Specialist seeks to assure equal educational opportunities, prevent truancy and dropout and promote respect and dignity for all students. The Student Support Specialist utilizes knowledge of human behavior, social, cultural and community influences to help create a positive learning climate. Efforts are focused on coordination between schools, families, and communities in order to assist students to improve their academic and social success.
