- Winchester Public Schools
- COVID-19
COVID-19 Protocols
For the 2024-25 school year, all students will be attending school in person, five days per week, and with full capacity on our school buses.We want our schools to be a safe place for teaching and learning, and health and safety are top priorities. We will continue to adjust mitigation measures to provide the safest possible in-school experience, based on federal and state law as well as evolving guidance from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Virginia Department of Health (VDH).In early April, the VDH updated their K-12 COVID-19 guidance to classify it as a general respiratory virus. Students and staff who are positive are advised to return to school when, for at least 24 hours, both of these are true:
- Their symptoms are getting better overall, AND
- They have not had a fever in the absence of pain-relieving medication.
Though we cannot require that anyone stay home, we remind everyone that it is courteous to wear a mask when working in close proximity to others.We believe that instructional goals are best achieved by maximizing in-person learning. Instruction will be aligned to the WPS curriculum and the Virginia Standards of Learning (SOLs). In addition, students will be provided access to high-quality learning experiences, and strategies will be implemented to address social, emotional, and academic learning needs.
Helpful Resources
VDH Guidance for Schools (PreK-12)
Cases Among Children (VDH Dashboard Updated Every Friday)