- Winchester Public Schools
- RFPs and Bids for Vendors
RFPs and Bids for Vendors
Effective July 1, 2010, Virginia Code Section 2.2-4311.2 requires all bidders to include in their bids/proposals the Identification Number issued to them by the Virginia State Corporation Commission (SCC), which signifies that they are authorized to transact business in the Commonwealth of Virginia. The Vendor Authorization Form must be completed and included with all proposals submitted to Winchester Public Schools.
*NOTE: The Closing Date/Time listed in the table below denotes the date and time the completed bid must be received at the location specified in the RFP. However, we are not responsible for typographical errors posted on this web page. Please refer to the actual RFP document for specific instructions and to confirm the closing date and time. If Award Info is not posted for an RFP/IFB, please contact the respective individual listed below to obtain a copy.
Forms and Policies
Vendor Authorization Form
To be completed by all bidders and included with all proposals submitted to Winchester Public Schools.Policy DJ: Purchasing
All procurements made by WPS are made in accordance with the Virginia Public Procurement Act.Policy DJ-R: Purchasing Procedures
WPS policy on bidding, procurement, awarding of contracts, and other purchasing procedures.
Declaration of Public Impact as Sole Source Vendor
WPS memo declaring Public Impact as a sole source vendor for the Teacher and School Leader Incentive Grant.