- Winchester Public Schools
- Fostering Connections
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Fostering Connections
For children and youth in foster care, a change in home placement frequently results in a change in school placement. The educational impact of every school change is significant. Each time students enter new schools, they must adjust to different curricula, different expectations, new friends, and new teachers.
Keeping children in the same school:
- provides continuity in education;
- maintains important relationships at school;
- provides stability during a traumatic time for the children; and
- improves educational and life outcomes.
Contact Information
Kristen Snyder
Foster Care Liaison
The Code of Virginia reinforces Fostering Connections and ESSA for educational stability.
The sending and receiving school divisions shall cooperate in facilitating the enrollment of any child placed in foster care across jurisdictional lines for the purpose of enhancing continuity of instruction. The child shall be allowed to continue to attend the school in which he was enrolled prior to the most recent foster care placement, upon the joint determination of the placing social services agency and the local school division that such attendance is in the best interest of the child.
Section 22.1-3.4(B)