Kinesiology & Health

Department Chair, Jacob Smith

Kin Department Pic
  • The goal of our program is that all JHHS students develop and value a healthy lifestyle. Instruction emphasizes health concepts, skill development  and learning to apply them in making decisions to improve, sustain and promote personal, family and community health. Physical education enables students to evaluate their personal fitness levels and improve their fitness, sport and activity levels for a lifetime of well-being. 

    Health classes provide the opportunity to acquire accurate information and develop healthful attitudes and behavior patterns. We will cover various units such as family life and human development, nutrition, drugs, mental health and first aid/CPR. Driver’s Education will be a part of Kinesiology 10, where students will gain the knowledge they will need to be successful behind the wheel. 

    Quick Resource Links

    KIN Requirements

    Health 9/10 SOL

    Graduation Requirement

    Driver’s Education SOL

    KIN 9/10 SOL

    Graduation Requirement

    CPR/AED- 9 Grade Graduation Requirement

    JHHS DE Information

    Program of Studies

    FL Opt Out Form

    45 Hour Driving Log