Practices for CTE Programs

  • After reviewing the Center for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines for Schools and Childcare, Winchester Public Schools CTE electives will adhere to the universal practices outlined below.   Based on updated information, research, and local conditions and resources, decisions will be made to support the gradual implementation towards normalcy.   Any change outlined in the universal practices will need to be requested in writing to Judy McKiernan by the building principal.   Once a decision has been made by the CAO Safety Team, it will be communicated to the building principals for dissemination.

    Some career and technical education classes may need to alter curriculum and classroom experiences in order to follow Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines for Schools and Childcare while those guidelines are in effect. These temporary measures are recommended in order to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and may include the following:

    • CTE students and teacher Set classrooms up with allowed seating distances as determined by the CDC.
    • Ensure that all group activities allow students to maintain social distancing guidelines.
    • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces as directed, throughout the day, if required.
    • Communicate proper hygiene techniques for the career & technical education classroom.
    • Follow guidelines for group and community events and performances, as directed by the CDC.
    • Monitor students' mental health related to feelings of anxiety, fear, and loss. Refer students to counselors as needed, and exercise trauma-informed teaching practices.