•  Health & Safety
    Health and Safety

    Maximize the health and safety of our students, staff, and families through full alignment with CDC, VDH/Governor and VDOE guidelines.

Safety Protocols at School

  • What is on our VDOE required Health Plan?

  • Will students and staff be required to wear face coverings?

  • What will happen if a student or staff member does not wear a face covering?

  • How will social distancing be maintained?

  • What will the daily health screening include?

  • How will students eat breakfast and lunch?

  • How often will students and staff be required to wash their hands?

  • Field trips are a major component to culturally responsive teaching. Will field trip opportunities be available this year?

  • What if a second wave of COVID-19 comes during the cold/flu season? Will schools close again and will we all go back to distance learning?

Safety Protocols on the Bus

  • Will there be a bus monitor on the bus?

  • How many students will be on a bus?

  • How will students maintain social distance on the bus?

  • Will the bus be cleaned between bus runs?

  • Will an entire bus have to quarantine if a student or driver has a confirmed case of COVID-19?

Contact Tracing and Quarantine Procedures

  • Who is responsible for contact tracing for the school division?

  • What happens when a student or staff member has a confirmed case of COVID-19?

  • Will families be contacted if there is a confirmed case of COVID-19 at the school?

  • How will families be notified if they are to quarantine?

  • Will the school division provide or pay for testing for students and staff?

  • How will the school division decide to close a school?

Environments & Cleaning Protocols

  • What type of PPE is being provided for students, teachers and classrooms?

  • Will students have access to hand sanitizer in every classroom?

  • Will students be able to use lockers?

  • Will students be able to use the water fountain?

  • What is being done with HVAC Systems to ensure clean air?

  • How are student Chromebooks to be cleaned?