- Winchester Public Schools
- Practices for Fine Arts Programs
Return to Learn 2020-2021
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- Practices for Cleaning Surfaces
- Practices for CTE Programs
- Practices for Fine Arts Programs
Visual Arts
Shared Visual Art Supplies
While social distancing is in effect, teachers can make curriculum adjustments to avoid reliance on shared tools and materials that are hard to clean. The CDC recommends individual art supplies whenever possible. In the art classroom, clean and disinfect equipment and surfaces as frequently as recommended by the CDC, and require frequent handwashing. Instruct students to avoid touching their face.
Many art teachers have expressed concerns about using and sharing clay in the visual arts classroom. At the time of this publication, no research or studies could be found to provide specific information about how the virus can stay on or within clay. When using clay, avoid sharing tools and supplies, clean and disinfect equipment and surfaces as frequently as required, and require frequent handwashing. Consider the use of gloves when sharing clay.
When we return to school on September 8th, the Universal Practice for Art teachers should plan lessons where there are no shared supplies. If supplies need to be shared they should be disinfected as recommended by the CDC before the next student uses them. At the high school level students should maintain personal art supplies for their art projects. Any change to the Universal Practices for Electives will be approved and communicated through the CAO.
Theatre Classrooms & the Stage
Maintain social distancing guidelines as recommended by the CDC, including in theatre games and activities. Group singing is not advised while social distancing policies are in place (see “Chorus” section above”). Clean and disinfect equipment and surfaces as frequently as required by the health department, especially frequently-touched surfaces such as stair railings and door handles.
When we return to school on September 8th, the Universal Practice for Theater teachers will follow the VDOE recommendations above. Any change to the Universal Practices for Electives will be approved and communicated through the CAO.