Phone: +1 984 327 7122


Degrees and Certifications:

- Teacher in English for Third Cycle of E.G.B. and Polimodal. - Graduate in Neurosciences Applied to the Educational Field.

Mr. Diego Vasquez


Hello, beautiful reader! My name is Diego Vasquez. I am a teacher of ESOL. I was born and raised in Colón, Entre Ríos, Argentina.

As for my professional experience, I have been teaching for more than six years in Primary and Secondary schools. In addition, I had worked previously for two years in the "Trinity" private language school (multilevel). 

My didactic approach focuses on teaching a foreign language (for instance, Spanish) by comparing it with others (French or Italian). Regarding the use of technology, I try to incorporate digital experiences in a balanced and meaningful combination with concrete and aptic materials. This strategy allows me to cover visual, auditory and kinesthetic skills; while analyzing social and collaborative behavior. Students' intellectual growth through critical thinking really matters to me, but their feelings and daily discipline represent an issue of vital importance. I encourage them to embrace cultural diversity and team work, to develop a sense of order and responsibility, to take advantage of every class as an opportunity to evolve as human beings.

Regarding other aspects of my life, I am a writer and I have promoted reading in schools through talks and conferences. Also, I was an actor in my adolescence, therefore I see the classroom as a theater: a place in which imagination and creativity can be fully developed. Everything I have done so far has a goal: I want everyone to know that there are no boundaries to our dreams if we can decipher the hidden messages of an ever-changing, highly tecnified and pluricultural world. 

As a writer, my activity in the field includes both prose (microdialogues, short stories, articles, reviews) and poetry (ten-line stanzas, sonnets, free verse, ovillejos, haikus).
Some of my literary achievements are:

     * First prize in the International Short Story Contest "Las Dalias" (Ibiza, Spain).
     * Winner of the "Candace Poetry Prize" awarded by the Candace Foundation (Santa Fe, Argentina).
     * First rioplatense prize in "ten-line stanza poetry" (Paysandú, Uruguay).

I have participated as a lecturer in the "VII Congress of Latin American Writers" promoted by the Writers Association of Entre Ríos. I am the creator of articles published in newspapers such as "El Entre Ríos" (Colón), "Panza verde" (Gualeguaychú) and, currently, I collaborate with the international magazine "Alma América" (Spain).

Rest assured that I will give my students the best of me, so that they can reveal the best of them, dream big and pursue their happiness.
