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- Digital Citizenship
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Common Sense Education
Fostering good digital citizenship is critical to appropriate technology use. Knowing how to act responsibly when online and using technology not only keeps students safe, but prepares them for a world full of technology and gives them the know how to act responsibly, ethically, and safely when using technology. Winchester Public Schools' has selected the Common Sense Education platform as our district-wide resource for training and educating students, staff, and families on the elements of digital citizenship. The Common Sense platform aims to give all stakeholders a vast amount of age appropriate and readily accessible tools and resources to empower the next generation of digital citizens.
Our Three-Year Plan
Beginning with the 2018-2019 school year, WPS launched a three-year goal to become a Common Sense Certified District. We put a great deal of value into educating the next generation on the proper use of technology and online resources, and we feel that the Common Sense platform provides an extensive array of easy-to-use and well-structured digital tools and resources for students, staff, and families to help us provide this education.
Year One: Our focus will be on providing the necessary and appropriate professional development and training to ALL WPS educators to ensure that they are trained on the Common Sense platform. Our goal for Year One is for 100% of our educators to complete the Common Sense Educator training. This process will be facilitated by school administration and their Instructional Technology Resource Teachers.
Year Two: We will transition our focus to student education and teachers integrating digital citizenship learning into their daily lessons. Common Sense offers an array of material, appropriately suited for each age level and available for use online. Our goal for Year Two is for 100% of our students to complete the necessary education as defined by Common Sense for their grade level.
Year Three: We will moving from implementing to sustaining, and by the end of Year Three our goal is to submit for district certification to Common Sense Education to become a certified district.
"Like good hygiene, good digital citizenship is a set of responsibilities all internet users should practice. We’re seeing a tipping point where schools are realizing that in order to have a successful technology integration, they have to have digital citizenship lesso
ns alongside it.” -- Kelly Mendoza
Senior Director of Education Programs
Common Sense Education