- Winchester Public Schools
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Checklist for Families
Steps to take when your child is identified with live lice at school. PRINT CHECKLIST
- Speak with your school nurse.
- Choose and use an appropriate treatment. In addition to your school nurse you may wish to consult with your pharmacist, pediatrician, or family physician.
- Treat your child prior to their return to school the next day. Carefully follow all treatment instructions.
- All household members and other close contacts should be checked, and those with live lice should also be treated at the same time.
- Have your child avoid head to head contact with others.
- Discourage your child from sharing personal items such as hats, scarves, headbands, helmets, brushes, combs, or pillows to decrease the likelihood of spread from one person to another.
- All recently worn clothing, hats, bedding, and towels used by anyone having lice or thought to be exposed to lice should be washed in hot water or dry cleaned.
- Personal care items such as combs, brushes, and hair clips should also be washed in hot water or thrown away.
- Toys such as stuffed animals can be placed in a hot dryer for 30 minutes or placed in a plastic bag for two weeks.
- Check your child following treatment. If live lice remain consider consultation with your school nurse, pediatrician, or family physician.