- Winchester Public Schools
- Budget
Total Cost Per Pupil for FY22 through FY25
Per Virginia Code §22.1.92, Notification of the estimated average per pupil cost for pupil education in the school division for the coming year to each parent, guardian, or other person having control or charge of a child enrolled in the relevant school division, in accordance with the budget estimates provided to the local governing body or bodies. Such notification shall include actual per pupil state and local education expenditures for the previous school year. The notice may also include federal funds expended for public education in the school division.
Estimated Required Local Effort - FY25 = $21,989,899The local required match/effort are funds to be provided by the City for the cost of maintaining an educational program meeting the prescribed Standards of Quality, certain incentive programs, and some lottery funded programs. The total cost is apportioned between the state and the local government. (Reference: Virginia Code § 22.1-94)