Teacher Licensure

  • Teacher licensure icon All contracted instructional employees working for WPS must hold and maintain an active teaching license issued by the Virginia Department of Education as required by the Code of Virginia. Licensed positions include the following: teachers, library media specialists, school counselors, and instructional administrators. The WPS licensure specialist assists employees in applying for initial licensure, making licensure changes and submitting the renewal of a license.

Licensure Deadlines

  • Please note the following important WPS Licensure related deadlines:

    Newly Hired Instructional Personnel - Within the first 30 days of employment - your WPS Office of Licensure records must reflect that you currently hold an active VDOE-issued license with endorsement(s) required for your current instructional assignment(s), OR your complete initial VA licensure application packet must have been received by the WPS Office of Licensure, Tresa Clements.

    Provisional License Holders - March 1 of the current school year - if you hold a VDOE-issued Provisional License that will expire on June 30 of this school year, then you are expected to submit a Provisional Licensure upgrade packet to the WPS Office of Licensure. 

    Professional License Holders - Between January 1 and May 15 of the current school year - if you hold a VDOE-issued 5 or 10-year renewable Professional License that will expire on June 30 of this school year, then you are expected to submit your complete Professional Licensure renewal packet to the WPS Office of Licensure, Tresa Clements. 


    Initial Licensure     Out of State     International    

     Renewal     Alternative     

Licensure Contact

  • Tresa Clements

    Tresa Clements
    WPS Office of Licensure