Personal Information Updates

  • Personnel change icon If you experience a life change and/or need to report an update in your personal information, you must notify HR by completing an Employee Information Change Notice.

    Depending on your situation, you may also need to complete one or more of the forms provided below so changes can be reported to the appropriate department and/or vendor.

    All completed forms should be sent to the Central Office to the attention of the HR Department.

Payroll Changes

Benefit Changes

  • Anthem/TLC Personal Data Change Form Change personal data on file with Anthem.

    Mid-Year Benefit Changes
    Employees may be eligible to make benefit-election changes outside of the annual open enrollment period if the change is in connection with a Qualifying Mid-Year Event. Any changes must be made within 30 days of the Qualifying Mid-Year Event.  For a summary of recognized Qualifying Mid-Year Events, view the Anthem TLC Qualifying Mid-Year Event Summary.

    If you are interested in making a change to your benefit elections outside of open enrollment, please contact the WPS benefits specialist for information and required forms.

    Virginia Retirement System Designation of Beneficiary Form
    Change Beneficiary Designation for Retirement Account and Basic Group/Optional Life Insurance. Click on the VRS-2 Designation of Beneficiary link.