- Winchester Public Schools
- Instructional Programs
English Learners
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Elementary School (Grades K-4)
English Learners of all English Proficiency Levels (WIDA ACCESS scores 1.0 – 4.3) are placed in mainstream classrooms. They receive language instruction with an EL teacher which is also based on the academic language used in the content areas studied in school such as the language we use in Language Arts, the language of Mathematics, the language of Social Studies or History, and the language of Science. The amount of time an English Learner receives support from an EL teacher is based on their English Proficiency level as well as individual student needs and progress. Most elementary English Learners receive approximately 30-60 minutes of language instruction with an EL teacher per day.
English instruction in academic content areas focuses on four areas of language development: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing. The goal of the EL program in Winchester Public Schools is to support our English Learners in becoming proficient English speakers, readers, and writers in all content areas.
English language instruction provided by the EL teacher is usually provided in an inclusion or co-taught classroom to support the language and content area development in a setting where the classroom teacher and EL teacher work together with students. In some cases the English Learner may be pulled out of the classroom for targeted English language instruction. This is usually necessary for a short period of time with very new English speakers (Newcomers or WIDA ACCESS level 1).
Intermediate/Middle School (Grades 5-8)
New English Learners (English Language Proficiency level 1) receive at least one block daily of targeted English instruction in a “Newcomers” classroom with an EL teacher. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing in English are the focus of this class which covers social and instructional English skills. The class also serves as an introduction to academic content language in Language Arts, Mathematics, Social Studies / History, and Science. All English Learners (WIDA levels 1.0 – 4.3) receive English language instruction through content which is usually supported in a class co-taught by an EL teacher and a content area teacher.
High School (Grades 9-12)
New English speakers (English Language Proficiency level 1) may take a full year of a course entitled EL Language I. The goal of this course is to provide a Newcomer Program (social or “survival” English), and develop basic English vocabulary. English reading comprehension and process writing skills will be introduced.
The high school EL program offers a sequence of support courses to be taken in conjunction with, or following EL Language I. The EL course sequence may include:
- EL Language II: Builds on all language acquisition domain areas (reading, writing, listening and speaking) and provides a transition to English 1 for English Learners.
- EL Reading: Offers reading and literacy development support to English Learners needing this.
- Algebra Readiness: Prepares English Learners for either ELL Algebra 1 (full year course), or Algebra 1.
- EL Integrated Science: Prepares students for entry into Biology for English Learners (full year course) or Biology.
- EL Integrated Social Studies (History): Prepares students for other history courses such as U.S. or World History.
English Learners (WIDA level 2 – 4.3) receive language instruction from an EL teacher in these EL courses and/ or content classes which are co-taught by an EL and a content teacher according to their English Language Proficiency levels as well as their academic need for support.