Title I

  • Title I graphic The purpose of the Title I program is to help low-achieving students meet the state’s challenging academic content and performance standards. The Title I program offers a variety of services which may include: additional teachers and support staff, extra time for instruction, a variety of teaching methods and materials, parent engagement activities, smaller classes and additional training for staff.  Title I is a federally funded program under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) of 1965 (Reauthorized by ESSA in 2015).

    Schools qualify for funds based on economic need. All Winchester Public Schools elementary schools follow the School-Wide Title I program design.

School-Wide Requirements

  • Comprehensive Needs Assessment: The school must identify areas of greatest need.

    School-wide reform strategies to include those that:

    • Strengthen the core academic program.
    • Increase the amount and quality of learning time.
    • Develop strategies for meeting needs of underserved populations.
    • Address needs of all, but particularly low-achieving students.

    Instruction by “highly qualified” teachers.

    Professional learning for teachers.

    Parent Engagement strategies.

WPS Title I Schools

  • Frederick Douglass Elementary School
    Melissa Maestle, Principal

    Garland Quarles Elementary School
    Joanie Hovatter, Principal

    John Kerr Elementary School
    Kim Pryor, Principal

    Virginia Avenue Charlotte DeHart Elementary School
    Dr. Lisa Pluska, Principal

Parents Have the Right...

  • To know the professional qualifications of their child’s teachers, including the degrees and certifications held, and whether the teacher is certified in his/her respective area of instruction.

    To know whether their child is provided services by paraprofessionals, and if so, their qualifications.

    To know the school improvement status of the school.

    To know the level of achievement of their child in each area of the state assessment.

    To be involved in the planning/implementation of the parent engagement program in their school.
    Group of students

Parent Engagement

  • Decision Making: You can help make important decisions about your child’s education by participating in school meetings, parent advisory meetings, and parent conferences.

    Assessments: There are several measures used to determine your child’s progress toward meeting the standards. These include standardized tests, benchmark assessments, and teacher-made tests. Results from standardized tests and interpretation of the results are distributed annually.

    Compact: Each school has a school/parent compact that outlines how parents and school personnel will be responsible for supporting students.

    Participation: Parent activities, workshops, and trainings are developed around responses to the annual parent survey as well as needs identified throughout the year.


Complaint Procedures for Title I Programs

  • As part of its Assurances within Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) program grant applications and pursuant to Section 9306 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), a school division accepting federal funds also agrees to adopt local written procedures for the receipt and resolution of complaints alleging violations of law in the administration of covered programs. For more information, contact:

    Winchester Public Schools
    598 N Kent Street
    Winchester, VA 22701
    Phone: 540-667-4253
    Jacob Boula