- Winchester Public Schools
- Safe Transportation & Regulations
Safe Pupil Transportation and School Bus Regulations
Safe transportation of our students is everyone's responsibility. WPS school bus drivers are licensed by the Division of Motor Vehicles after being trained according to Virginia Department of Education regulations. It is the goal of the Winchester Public Schools to provide safe, comfortable and reliable transportation for children riding school buses. This goal is only attainable through the cooperation of students, bus drivers, parents, school officials, and the motoring public.
We are requesting your assistance in providing a SAFE and EFFICIENT transportation program for your child. Please read the guidelines below with your child. Encourage them to abide by these guidelines in the interest of their safety and the safety of others.
The announcement regarding school closings for snowy or icy road conditions will be made on local radio stations at approximately 5:45 a.m. An announcement will also be sent out via our notification system, BrightArrow, as well as be posted to the WPS website.
When schools are closing EARLY due to weather conditions, an announcement will also be made by the local radio stations, a SchoolMessenger notification, and posted on our website. Parents and students should avoid calling the radio stations or the Superintendent’s office for such information, because this may interfere with getting the message to the public. The decision to close or reopen schools is always based upon the safety of the students.
Students Shall:
Be at their stops five minutes before the regular pick-up time.
Behave in an orderly manner at the bus stop by staying out of the street and respecting other people’s property.
Watch the driver’s signal to cross in front of the bus and never cross behind the bus.
Board the bus orderly and remain seated while the bus is in motion.
Refrain from eating, drinking, or smoking on the bus.
Keep hands and arms away from open windows.
Refrain from having external hanging ornamentation on book bags.
Refrain from bringing glass objects, live animals, and large items that cannot be held on their lap.
Carry wheeled bags on/off the bus with the extension handle retracted at all times.
Follow rules of the bus driver. (If any instructions or rules seem unfair, talk to the driver privately or your principal.)
Refrain from talking at railroad crossings, enabling the driver to hear an approaching train.
Absolutely not throw objects about the bus or out of the bus.
Refrain from defacing or damaging the bus. Violators will be assessed repair costs and will be subject to discriplinary action.
School Bus Drivers Shall:
Maintain a regular bus schedule daily and are unable to wait at bus stops for tardy students.
Be firm and fair in the endorsement of proper behavior on buses, and be prompt in reporting recurring misbehavior to principals.
Be diligent in bus interior cleanliness and report any damages caused by students to the principal.
Parents/Guardians Shall:
Review these guidelines and confer with the Coordinator of Transportation (667-4253) or school principals if they have questions or concerns.
Accompany small children to and from the bus and periodically discuss with their children the necessity for proper actions and behavior at the bus stop and on the bus.
Have a responsible adult meet the bus in the afternoon for Kindergarten students. If the parent is not there to meet the student, the student will be returned to the school.
Procedures for Reporting Misconduct
Surveillance cameras are used to address safety concerns.
Bus drivers will report all uncorrected discipline problems to the student’s principal immediately.
The principal will investigate all reports of misconduct on the day they are received if practicable and possible, and the disposition of the matter will be reported to all parties concerned.