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WPS Inclement Weather Plan
The morning of an inclement weather event, staff members are out early assessing city road conditions. If we can safely run the buses, we will. The goal is to make a decision by 5:30 a.m.
If school is delayed or closed, a message will go out to all WPS staff and families. Info will also be posted on the GO WPS! Mobile app, on our website, and social media: @tweetwps and @jvanheukelum (Twitter(X)) and Winchester Public Schools (Facebook).
When school is closed due to inclement weather, the day will likely be replaced with distance learning. Mandatory virtual attendance is expected for students in grades 3-12 and packets should be completed by students in grades K-2. *Please note: If the opportunity for a true snow day without distance learning arises, you will be notified accordingly. Please use the links below to view the Virtual School Schedule for each school if there is a closing due to inclement weather.
Frederick Douglas Elementary School
Garland Quarles Elementary School
John Kerr Elementary School
Virginia Avenue Charlotte DeHart Elementary School
Daniel Morgan Intermediate School
Daniel Morgan Middle School
John Handley High School