- Winchester Public Schools
- District News
Right at School - After School Program
High-Quality, Affordable After School Care with Right at School!
New for 2024-2025
-Students in 5th and 6th grades attending Daniel Morgan Intermediate School will be able to enroll in Right at School this year!
-For 2024-2025, John Kerr Elementary School (JKES) and Virginia Avenue Charlotte DeHart Elementary Schools (VACDES) will host after school programs open to ALL WPS K-6 graders.
-Students from Frederick Douglass Elementary School, Garland R Quarles Elementary School, and Daniel Morgan Intermediate School who enroll in Right at School will be bussed to VACDES to participate in the program.
Fees and Discounts
-The program cost is $258 per month for five days per week, and families have the flexibility to choose fewer days of attendance for a lower cost. There is a $50 registration fee to apply.
-Right at School offers a 50% discount for WPS staff members, a 20% discount for families who are economically disadvantaged, and a 10% sibling discount.
-Scholarships through Winchester Public Schools are no longer available due to a loss in funding; however, families in need are encouraged to apply for financial assistance through the Virginia Child Care Subsidy Program. Read more in this letter from Right at School: English / Spanish
Steps to Register:
1. Apply for the Virginia Child Care Subsidy Program if applicable. Read more in this letter from Right at School: English / Spanish
2. When you are ready to enroll, visit the Enrollment Website. Use the special code provided if you are receiving financial assistance. There is a $50 registration fee for those who are not receiving financial assistance.
3. If you have questions, please contact Right at School to receive help with enrollment. Call 855-287-2466 or visit https://www.rightatschool.com/contact/.
Important Links:
Right at School Pricing: English / Spanish