Use SchoolCash Online to Pay for School Items and Activities

  • SchoolCash Online logoWinchester Public Schools has implemented a new online credit card payment system, SchoolCash Online, that makes it easier and more convenient for parents/guardians to pay student activity and registration fees. We encourage all parents to register now, so you’ll be ready to make online payments from home: both now and in the future as more school items become available again.

    SchoolCash Online helps both you and our school district in many ways: you can manage all school fees and items for your students in one location and have the convenience of a secure online payment platform, and the schools improve safety and reduce risk by minimizing cash and check payments at our schools. Making payments directly into your school's bank account helps increase efficiency and security at your school by reducing risk of lost payments and allowing teachers and office staff to focus on helping students and not counting cash. 

    Registration is Easy!

    Registering for SchoolCash Online is safe, simple, secure, and takes less than five minutes! Visit the Registration Instructions page for step-by-step instructions and create an account today!

    • Be ready to receive email notifications of new fees or items available for purchase, including field trips, yearbooks, spirit wear, athletic fees, and more. Even if you prefer to pay in cash, you will still receive notifications!
    • Be ready to pay for school fees anytime, anywhere, 24/7, with a simple click.
    • Keep track of all school items and activity fees, and manage all students in your household from one location.
    • Follow your student as they progress through to the end of high school.
    • Have online access to your account history and view and print receipts.