Phone: 540-667-7171 ext. 75135


Degrees and Certifications:

BM: Music Education, Jazz Studies minor; James Madison University MM: Music Education; Ithaca College

Ms. Laura Filppu

Ms. Filppu grew up in Charlottesville, VA and attended James Madison University and Ithaca College. She has been living in Winchester and teaching at Daniel Morgan for 16 years. At the Middle School, she teaches the Symphonic and Beginning Band classes, leads the Marching Riflemen, and co-leads the United Sound club. At the Intermediate School, she teaches Beginning Band and Choir classes. In 2016-17, she was named DMMS Teacher of the Year.

Other professional activities include:

- assisting with JHHS Marching Judges band camp

- director of Frederick County Music Camp

- adjudication and guest conducting around Virginia

She also performs in the Apple Valley Flute Choir. When she's not teaching music, Ms. Filppu likes to knit, practice yoga, swim, read, garden, hike, and spend time with her husband and two children. 


Be sure to check out the Band pages for more information about the band program, band events calendar, and more!