- Daniel Morgan Middle School
- Welcome
7th Grade
Grade Seven Visual Arts continue the exploration, analysis, and investigation of the creative process. Students apply the elements of art (color, form, line, shape, space, texture, value) and the principles of design (balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, proportion, rhythm, unity, variety) to solve design problems, using traditional and contemporary art media. They develop critical inquiry skills and expand their vocabulary as they explore the meaning of works of art through the evaluation of subject matter, themes, and symbols. Students develop an increased awareness of the nature of art and of their relationship to it as they explore the meaning and value of works of art. There are four main strands of study:
- Visual Communication and Production
- Art History and Cultural Context
- Analysis, Evaluation, and Critique
- Aesthetics
8th Grade
Grade Eight Visual Arts focus on the application and synthesis of previously learned concepts and more complex technical skills as students manipulate the elements of art (color, form, line, shape, space, texture, value) and the principles of design (balance, contrast, emphasis, movement, pattern, proportion, rhythm, unity, variety) in the art-making process. Students make conscious choices of media, processes, and techniques for expressive purposes in the creation of original works of art. They debate the purposes of art, formulate reasoned responses to meaningful art questions, develop their own criteria for making art judgments, and develop a personal philosophy of art. Students make connections between their prior art experiences and other fields of knowledge. There are four main strands of study:
- Visual Communication and Production
- Art History and Cultural Context
- Analysis, Evaluation, and Critique
- Aesthetics