With every passing day technology in the classroom is becoming more predominant. Mobile devices are replacing our textbooks, and we can research just about anything that we need to immediately at the time of need. Social media has become commonplace, educational gaming and computer adaptive applications are growing in popularity and proof of concept, and the way we use technology has completely transformed the way we live or lives.
Technology is also greatly impacting the way that our teachers provide instruction and teach our children. Through technology our educators now have an abundance of digital content and resources available to them to help differentiate and personalize the teaching and learning experience - helping our educators meet the students where they are. Through the use of appropriate technology integration and blended learning models we are able to provide students with greater control of their path, place, time and pace as it relates to their learning. Technology also helps provide our educators with critical data from assessments and student learning progression that can be used to dynamically change instruction methods to help student learning.
Our educators also recognize the importance of developing these technological skills in our students so they will be prepared to graduate college or career ready with the necessary skills to succeed. By embracing and integrating technology in the classroom, we are setting our students up for a successful life outside of school.
With the increase in technology adoption in the classroom the importance of the educator increases dramatically. Our educators are embracing a practice of becoming facilitators in the classroom as they develop and oversee a transformation from traditional classrooms to collaborative learning environments.