- Daniel Morgan Middle School
- Welcome

Phone: (540)667-7171 ext. 75151
Degrees and Certifications:
BS History and Political Science ME Curriculum and Instruction
Mr. James Lupton
As a student of history I have always been a life long learner. My passion continues to be United States History. It is my belief that our students need a good working knowledge of where we have been as a nation so that down the road when they become working voting members of the community they can participate in the successful mapping out of our future. I like history to be experiential. I use virtual field trips and primary resources to put the students in the action, joining the people of the past and gaining a better understanding of why they made the decisions that they made long ago. I like history to be hands on and tactile rather than just two-dimesional images in a book. Toward that end I incorporate artifacts, tools, uniforms and other forms of material culture whenever possible.