Introduction to the JKES House System

Mission and Vision

  • Through the JKES House System, we will instill a sense of belonging, pride, and personal growth in every student.  We will create a positive, inclusive school community and culture that fosters internal motivation by building relationships, character, excitement, and school spirit.

Points System

  • Students will earn points for their houses for a variety of different things.  Each day, teachers will track student points through our district's PBIS Rewards System.

House Celebrations

  • Students will have various opportunities to celebrate and connect with members of their house.

    House LunchOn Fridays, students will eat lunch with their house family at their grade level.  The cafeteria will be decorated in the colors of the house with the most points.

    House ShirtsStudents are encouraged to wear their house shirts on Fridays or wear John Kerr spirit wear.  

    Monthly House HoursEach month, students and staff will participate in a house hour where they will come together to promote community and cohesiveness within JKES. They will also work on teamwork and problem-solving skills.