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Back to School 2024
Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year! We look forward to seeing our returning students again as well as meeting new families. Please join us for Back to School Open House events! Read below for dates and times as well as information on school supplies, meals, technology, and transportation.
First Day of School
The first day of school is Monday, August 12, 2024.
The hours below are official instructional (in-the-classroom) hours. Each school has specific arrival and dismissal procedures that will be communicated to families prior to the start of school.
-Elementary: 7:50 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
-Daniel Morgan Intermediate and Middle Schools: 8:25 a.m. - 3:20 p.m.
*DMIS and DMMS: All students should arrive by 8:15 a.m.
-John Handley High School: 8:25 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
Back to School Events
Monday, July 29
-JHHS Judges IX Scavenger Hunt for Freshmen, 1-3 p.m.
*Includes Chromebook Distribution*
Tuesday, July 30
-JHHS Gavel & Groove for Grades 10-12, 1-3 p.m.
-DMIS 5th Grade Orientation, 2-6 p.m. *Register here: https://forms.gle/MpsExp47yR4mpuAn9
Monday, August 5
-VACDES Meet and Greet with Teachers at Frederick Douglass Park, 11:30 a.m. - 1 p.m.
Wednesday, August 7
-DMMS Back-to-School Open House, 3-6 p.m.
-JHHS Back-to-School Open House, 3-6 p.m.
Thursday, August 8
-DMIS Back-to-School Open House, 3-6 p.m.
-FDES, GQES, JKES and VACDES Back-to-School Open Houses, 3-6 p.m.
Need to register a new student? Start on our registration page.
Annual Verification Forms
Annual Verification Forms MUST be completed for each WPS student using the PowerSchool Parent Portal prior to the first day of school. Use this step-by-step guide for completing the online process: https://bit.ly/
Physicals and Vaccinations
Students entering kindergarten, students new to WPS, and student athletes must receive a comprehensive physical examination from a medical provider prior to the start of school.
There are required school vaccinations for students in kindergarten, 7th, and 12th grade. Please be advised that if your child’s school does not receive documentation of your child’s required vaccinations and/or physical examination prior to the first day of school, they will be excluded from school attendance until this information has been received. Visit our Immunization Requirements page for more information.
The Frederick/Winchester Health Department offers required school vaccines for students. Call 540-722-3470 to make an appointment. More information: Health Department Vaccine Information
School Supplies
In Winchester Public Schools, we do not want school supplies to be a barrier to learning for our students and families. School supplies are not required and are instead provided by our schools. Some schools provide a list of recommended items (see below). Donations are always welcomed.
Recommended Items:
John Handley High School: Look at your student's class syllabus they will receive at Open House or on the first day of school for recommended items.
*Please use these guidelines when making purchases to avoid items that are not compatible with JHHS and Innovation Center weapons detectors:
- All three-ring binders should be 1.5 inches or less.
- When possible, please use plastic water bottles. If you do purchase metal water bottles, please opt for small/medium-sized bottles.
- Please avoid purchasing wheeled, rolling backpacks if possible.
- Please do not purchase adult-sized scissors. Instead, opt for blunt, small/medium-sized scissors.
Daniel Morgan Middle School: DMMS does not provide a list of recommended items.
Daniel Morgan Intermediate School: 2024-2025 DMIS Recommended Supplies
Frederick Douglass Elementary School: Each teacher will have a more specific list of needs at Open House.
Garland R. Quarles Elementary School: Each child needs a bookbag and water bottle. GQES will furnish supplies. Donations are welcomed: 1 inch binder, pencil box, highlighters, crayons, glue sticks, index cards, loose leaf paper, pencils, pocket folders, spiral notebooks, tissues, ziplock baggies.
John Kerr Elementary School: 2024-2025 JKES Recommended Supplies
Virginia Avenue Charlotte DeHart Elementary School: 2024-2025 VACDES Recommended Supplies
Please Note: Students do not use lockers in WPS schools.
Information about Virginia's 3-Day Sales Tax Holiday can be found here (August 2-4, 2024).
Breakfast and lunch are provided for all WPS students at no charge through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP). Students may purchase additional a la carte items with cash or through myschoolbucks.com. Students will need to provide their PIN numbers as they go through the cafeteria line. If you want to provide packed lunches for your student(s), they will need a lunch box. For questions regarding school meals, contact the Food Services Department at (540)-667-4258 ext. 16147 or curry.laurie@wps.k12.va.us.
2024-2025 Community Eligibility Provision Letter to Families: https://bit.ly/WPSNutritionCEPNotice
Students in Intermediate, Middle, and High School should bring their charged Chromebook to school each day.
-Students in grades K-8 will receive their Chromebooks once school starts.
-Freshmen will receive their Chromebooks at the Judges IX Scavenger Hunt listed below.
-Students in grades 10-12 should still have their Chromebooks from last year.
PLEASE NOTE: Anyone who did NOT return a Chromebook after the 23-24 school year must return their old device or pay the reimbursement cost before receiving a new device.
Bus route information will be provided at Open House events and can be found using WebQuery. Using WebQuery, follow the first and fourth stops listed. If you cannot attend Open House and have questions about your bus route, please contact your student’s school directly. Expanded Walk Zones established in 2023-2024 will be the same for 2024-2025.
After School Care
Need care for your student(s) after school? WPS offers an after school program located right in our elementary schools!
-John Kerr Elementary School (JKES) and Virginia Avenue Charlotte DeHart Elementary Schools (VACDES) will host after school programs this year.
-All other WPS students in grades K-6 who enroll in Right at School will be bussed to VACDES to participate in the program.
Visit the Right at School website to learn more.
Medicaid and FAMIs Programs
Virginia's Medicaid and FAMIS programs (jointly called Cardinal Care) provide free, comprehensive health coverage to keep Virginia's families healthy and students learning. Children in a family of four with annual income up to $63,960 may qualify!
Apply or check your status at commonhelp.virginia.gov or call toll free 1-833-5CALLVA
(TTY: 1-888-221-1590) or contact your local Department of Social Services.