Garland R. Quarles Elementary Teacher Websites

  • Welcome to Garland Quarles Elementary School!

    Our teachers strive to proivide the best possible learning environment as well as the most enriching curriculum.  

  • Office

    (Seated Left to Right) Beth Lehman - Teaching Assistant, Joanie Hovatter - Principal, Tiffany Saville - Administrative Assistant, and Tracy Longerbeam - School Nurse
    (Second row Left to Right) Janice Morgan - Administrative Assistant, Margarita Castillo - Parent Liaison, Kate Yost - Counselor, and Felicia Marshall - School Resource Officer


    Kelley Keplinger - Head Custodian


    Seated (Left to Right) Kelley Keplinger and Molina Esperanza-Cordero
    (Back) Tommy Downey and Craig Barb 
    missing - Donald Whitacre



    Loan Tran - Cafeteria Manager


    (Left to Right) Carol Funk, Loan Tran, Ana Turcios Vanegas, and Olga Perez De Castro