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Tech Balance Program

Our children are using technology now more than ever.  Being conscious of digital citizenship is not something anyone should focus on just for one week, but all year long.

We invite you to participate in the free Common Sense Tech Balance text program.  This program is geared towards children ages 3 - 8 years old.  Through this program you can receive free text message tips about how to practice healthy media habits at home with your family. Just text the word kids to this phone number (21555) to get started today.

You may also want to incorporate the Family Media Agreement (in English and Spanish) in your home or sit down with your family and go over these family tips about the importance of understanding your digital footprint (in English and Spanish).

Throughout the year your children will be taking part in classroom lessons about digital citizenship from Common Sense Education. Kids today may seem like experts at using technology, but the digital world requires all kinds of skills and habits that kids don’t just pick up as they go. Digital citizenship helps them learn those skills. As the year progresses, by working together, we can prepare kids to think critically and use technology in positive, creative, and powerful ways.