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Varsity Tutors
In partnership with ALL In Virginia, Winchester Public Schools is offering Varsity Tutors to all of our students in grades 1-12. Varsity Tutors offers online tutoring, classes, and test prep at NO COST to the school division or families. Free features include:
-24/7 On-Demand Tutor Chat
-Live Group Classes in Academics, SAT & ACT Test Prep, Career Readiness and Celebrity-Led StarCourse Classes
-On-Demand Essay Review
-Practice Tests & Personalized Learning Plans
Accessing Varsity Tutors:
1. Students will need to log into Classlink.
2. From the Classlink Dashboard, select “Varsity Tutors” and enter the Varsity Tutors portal.
3. Students can explore the Learning Lab and search for activities and support they want to use.
For our younger students who may not bring home their Chromebooks regularly, please contact your child’s teacher to make arrangements.