Our Music Teacher
Mrs. Stratton-Huntoon
Welcome to Music
Music Education is an integral part of every child's education. In music class, your child will explore the world of music and develop musical skills, knowledge, and understanding by singing, playing instruments, creating and composing music, by developing music literacy and music reading skills, and by participating in meaningful movement and dance! Participating in music class promotes the development of focus, confidence, language skills, and academic achievement in other subject areas. Practicing music also builds teamwork, collaboration, communication skills, leadership skills, and creativity. Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness: intellectual, social and emotional, motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps the body and the mind work together. The music curriculum at Virginia Avenue Charlotte DeHart Elementary School is aligned with the Winchester Public Schools Elementary Music Curriculum, the Virginia Standards of Learning for Music Education, as well as the National Standards for Music Education. As a music educator, I strive to engage students in lessons that provide them the opportunity to explore the foundations, performance, and aesthetics of a wide variety of music from different cultures, countries, time periods, and languages! Music Education is an essential part of every child's education. All students in grades pre-kindergarten through grade four attend music class once each week. Students also have the opportunity to perform in at least one concert during the school year.
I look forward to a year of learning, exploration, and discovery in music!
~ Sincerely, Mrs. Stratton
What are we learning?
Students explore beat, rhythm, melody, harmony, tonality, dynamics, form, timbre, and texture through a variety of multicultural and global music experiences. Engaging lessons are planned to encourage students to interact, discover, and invest in learning opportunities that develop their musical skills and deepen their understanding, appreciation, and enjoyment of as many different kinds of music as possible!
Each Music Lesson Is Based On:
The Winchester Public Schools Elementary Music Curriculum Grades PK - 4
The Virginia Stardards of Learning for Music Education
The National Standards for Music Education
The VACDES school and student needs (including collaboration with core classes and a commitment to Global Education)