Advanced Placement Potential through the PSAT

Through a focus on student data, Winchester Public Schools has seen an increase in student participation with our Advanced Placement courses. In particular, the AP Potential report from our universal PSAT administration to all tenth graders has increased the percent of African American, Hispanic and mulit-racial students in these rigorous, college prepatory classes.

This strategy starts with a commitment to give the PSAT to all tenth graders as a universal screener. Winchester Public Schools pays for the adminstration and we adminster the PSAT during the school day. In addition, we host the PSAT on a local college campus to develop the college aspirations of all of our students.

Advanced Placement In just one year (FY18 to FY19), we've seen an overall enrollment jump of 10%, with the following increases:

  • 9% increase in African American participation
  • 20% increase in Hispanic participation
  • 22% increase in multi-racial participation

The PSAT strategy has given us the data we need to work directly with students and famiiles who may not otherwise consider rigorous, college prepatory coursework. These students are now engaged in these classes and are being supported by teachers, counselors and peers to thrive in a rigorous environment.