Phone: 540-667-7171 ext 75105


Degrees and Certifications:

UNC-Chapel Hill 2005 - BA in Chemistry WNMU 2013 - Masters in Teaching

Mr. Eric Cornish

Welcome! My name is Eric Cornish. I am a multi-classroom leader, which means I get to work with the entire science department at DMIS. I firmly believe that science is a verb, and it's essential.

My family is very important to me. I am married to a wonderful lady who teaches at Daniel Morgan Middle School. We have an outrageous daughter, Iris, and a wreckingball son, Walter. I grew up in Charlotte, North Carolina, and earned a degree in chemistry from UNC-Chapel Hill. For 2 years after college, I served as a Peace Corps education volunteer in Malawi, a small, beautiful country in southern Africa. During this time, I met my wonderful wife, Mary Cate. We lived in New Mexico, where I earned my Masters in Teaching from Western New Mexico University. We moved to Winchester in 2015 to be a little closer to  our families in the east. I love being here and being part of the Daniel Morgan family.

I believe learning is a messy and active process. Kids do the work. I was selected as WPS Teacher of the Year in 2018, which was a tremendous honor.

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns. We are here for your children and for you.