JKES Parent Teacher Organization

  • The John Kerr Parent-Teacher Organization takes an active role in the school community.  The executive board consists of four officers, teachers, principal, committee chairs and any interested parents. The JKES PTO is officially a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, so we are able to accept tax deductible donations. 

    To contact the PTO, please email jkespto@gmail.com.  Follow the JKES PTO on Facebook. 

JKES Spirit Wear

  • PTO Events

    Wednesday, March 5th
    Virtual via Zoom

    Wednesday, April 30th
    Virtual via Zoom

  • PTO


    PTO Officers
    President: Sara Birchenough
    Vice-President: Ashley Warren
    Secretary: Earlene Constantino
    Treasurer: Ashley Hobbs 

Box Tops for Education

  • Box Tops for Education Logo: No More Clipping Scan Your Receipt See How at BTFE.com

     The Box Tops Program no longer requires you to clip barcodes or box tops.  Instead, you use an app to scan your receipt.  You can download the Boxtop App at the Apple App Store or Google Play.    

    Please visit the Box Tops for Education website for more information. 

Volunteer Opportunities

    1. General Volunteers: John Kerr is always looking for volunteers. There are opportunities throughout the building to include support in lunch, at recess, in the library and other areas of the school. If interested, please reach out to our principal, Kim Pryor, at pryork@wps.k12.va.us and she can provide information on next steps.

    2. Friday Food Bag Distribution: Click here to sign up to help with Friday Food Bags.